Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Will my eyes fall out?? Anyone taking bets?

LOL I think that painting wicker should be banned from the art world! Well not really it does make for a beautiful and detailed painting(though is that what I want? :-S). After staring at weaving for over an hour ones eyes go all funny LOL So it's break time. My new painting is looking really good though, coming along at a fast pace. I do find it funny that recently I seem to be picking photos to work from that are way more detailed than I should be bothering to work in... just can't seem to break this habit. Maybe my work would be more powerful if I didn't use as much detail?? Not sure really. I do like the way they feel very complete but I wonder if I overwork them. Guess I will only answer my own question by playing around and trying some new styles. I think it would also be very wise of me to do a few paintings in Acrylic, it's just too hard to frame pastels and they are just not as hardy being on paper rather than panels. Hmm things to think of when looking to hang my work in galleries. I do think I have some interesting themes in my work though, and I hope to discover even more as I go along.

So I am off to do some shoe shopping tomorrow for a wedding I must attend this coming weekend. Now I am all outfitted with a new dress and hopefully fabulous shoes too. It will be a long weekend but hey I think some of it should be fun... I hope ;-)

Well I am off to check my plants on the porch with my faithful cat by my side. I am starting to think it might be Danzig's(one of 4 cats!) garden not my own. He just loves to get outside and observe the goings on, always so much more happening (as far as he's concerned) on the other side of the great door. Poor guy, the life of an apartment cat. Hey I think it's them who have us trained to care for them and bring home the big (bag) gazelle(maybe not... LOL chicken perhaps is more accurate)!!!!

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